So every mom thinks that their kid is "special". That isn't what I'm talking about....
It's like The King KNOWS when I go to bed later, have an extra glass of vino, have just sat down on the couch, am putting a piece of food to my lips, or momma and daddy aren't here and the babysitter is in the hhoouuussseeee let's make her work for her money!
The King is such a happy, healthy, and well behaved little boy (7 1/2 months already) so I am not complaining, BUT every time we have a situation mentioned above it's like he decides to grace us with his presents at 2am (or multiple times that night) or cut his nap short but 1 hour and 50 minutes (for those if you non-mom's that means he took a ten minute nap)!
It makes me think of that new comedy, Up All Night, which is just sitting in my DVR waiting for me to watch it... hopefully uninterrupted!
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