Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Morning Show Nostalgia

What does your routine include? 

I tend to start my days on the early side, well I think so..... and if I can I usually try to have that include my morning show.

After pumping some iron and running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting breakfast all I want to do is drink a warm, ok HOT, cup of coffee and get a glimpse at The Today Show.

I will be honest and say that it's not the same without Meredith and even Anne, but I am not willing to change networks, and love it just the same. I literally try and change the channel (from Fox Philly 29 Good Day) at 6:59am so I can hear the morning theme (click here to hear and judge for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjfUJiPyEwY&feature=related),  I get little goosebumps, I just love it! I love the legitimacy of the news and interviews with a hint of humor and banter. 

Unfortunately I don't get to watch as much as I would like before "someone" starts getting bored or the work day needs to begin, but even in 10-15min I get enough of Matt, Al, Savannah, and Natalie and enough news to feel up to date. Now if I could just figure out a way to get Kathie Lee and Hoda on my agenda, haha!

What's your morning show of choice?

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